Kalli-kalli Uus-Veerenni kindergarten groups
In order to offer a learning and playing environment which best meets the needs of each child we shall open the following groups in Kalli-kalli Uus-Veerenni kindergarten:
● Day-care groups for 1.5-3-year-old kids (Estonian). There are 12 kids in the group and two day-care teachers work with them. Playful age-appropriate study activities are offered to the children daily. The study and communication language of the group is Estonian.
● Day-care groups for 1.5-3-year-old kids (English). There are 12 kids in the group and two day-care teachers work with them. Playful age-appropriate study activities are offered to the children daily. The study and communication language of the group is English.
● Kindergarten group for 3–7-year-old kids (Estonian). There are up to 20 kids in the group, one teacher and two assistants work with the kids. The study and communication language of the group is Estonian.
● Kindergarten group for 3–7-year-old kids (English). There are up to 20 kids in the group, one teacher and two assistants work with the kids. The study and communication language of the group is English.
● Kindergarten group for 3–7-year-old kids (English-Estonian language immersion). There are up to 20 kids in the group, one teacher and two assistants work with the kids. The study language of the group is English, one of the assistants speaks only Estonian with the kids.
● Kindergarten group for 3–7-year-old kids (Estonian-English language immersion). There are up to 20 kids in the group, one teacher and two assistants work with the kids. The study language of the group is Estonian, one of the assistants speaks only English with the kids.
● Montessori group. There are up to 20 kids in the group, one teacher and two assistants work with the kids. The teacher of the group has the qualification of a Montessori kindergarten teacher. The study program of the group is based on the authentic Montessori pedagogical methodology.